The easiest vacuüm storage solution

5.8K+ reviews on Amazon

Tightvacs products have gathered more than 5.800 reviews on Amazon. With an avarega score of 4,7 it has become Amazons Choice

Patented technology

TightVac is the first patented vacuum sealed container of its kind that creates a vacuum with the push of a button; keeping dry goods fresh for a year and beyond!

Reduce waste

Because of Tighvacs vacuüm solution you can keep food, vitamines, herbs, spices, coffee and more fresh for 3x as long. Reducing waste in your home or kitchen.


Our biggerst container yet! Up to 10L of space for bread, pasta, you name it
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The pocket sized travel aid. Keep your vitamines or medicine dry and safe for use with the VitaVac
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Your smell proof, pocketsized lil' helper with a capacity of 5 grams.
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TightVac - the eassiast all-round storage solution

Tightvacs aims to help your day-to-day life by storing anything that goes bad fast, dries up, cant get wet or smells. With the press of one button a Tighvac container helps to keep the contnets safe and/or fresh. We offer a wide range of products with different usecases.

Use the CoffeeVac for your freshly roasted coffee beans or grounded beans. The TeaVac is particularly designed for fresh tea. Use the VitaVac to keep your vitamines and medicine save. The BreadVac for everyhting big in the kitchen. The SpiceVac has a built-in shaker for all your herbs and spices. Use PawVac to keep petfood from smelling and spoiling. The MiniVac for all your pocket-sized needs. Go for a TightPac if your are in need of a party and the KiloVac for a roadtrip or campingtrip.

From our customers


It keeps the coffee fresh and, most important for me -- not too large, just the right size for the kind of coffee I use.

Amazon Customer

Simple, works, easy to clean, and perfect size. Holds my 10oz bags almost perfectly every time.


Na de 2e voorraadbus, nu eindelijk een goede in huis gehaald. Eerst de reviews gelezen die er goed uit zagen en later aangeschaft. Hij is het helemaal waard,sluit goed af en kan er bijna een kilo koffiebonen in kwijt. We zijn er blij mee.


Love this product. Just ordered a 3rd one. The ground coffee is kept fresh using the unique vacuum seal. I write the coffee name/variety on the clear container and change up the writing when I try a new coffee. Ships fast too.

Ed B

Play Video Beautiful product. Light weight, easy to use and the vacuum works. I filled with nearly 1.5 lbs of ground coffee in it. As advertised. Very affordable. Love it. Something to note it is not dishwasher proof so make sure to only hand wash.
