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TightVac - the eassiast all-round storage solution
Tightvacs aims to help your day-to-day life by storing anything that goes bad fast, dries up, cant get wet or smells. With the press of one button a Tighvac container helps to keep the contnets safe and/or fresh. We offer a wide range of products with different usecases.
Use the CoffeeVac for your freshly roasted coffee beans or grounded beans. The TeaVac is particularly designed for fresh tea. Use the VitaVac to keep your vitamines and medicine save. The BreadVac for everyhting big in the kitchen. The SpiceVac has a built-in shaker for all your herbs and spices. Use PawVac to keep petfood from smelling and spoiling. The MiniVac for all your pocket-sized needs. Go for a TightPac if your are in need of a party and the KiloVac for a roadtrip or campingtrip.